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Israel is attacking UN Personnel


UN is the largest employer of Palestinians in Gaza, about 35,000. The UN has a long history of granting under its auspices Hamas members, who work under UNRWA and other agencies. Under the UN name activists have carried out terrorist activities. In a recent report by UN Watch, evidence is shown of UNRWA employees celebrating the October 7th massacare and facilitatin Hamas:

Although the IDF does not target civilians, UN employees could be effectively Hamas terrorists masquerading as UN workers.

According to IMPACT-se that monitors UNRWA schools, over 100 of the Hamas terrorists who peptrates the October 7th massacre are UNRWA graduates. UNRWA has effectively become an arm of Hamas’ indoctrination wing as Hamas determines the curriculum taught in UNRWA schools. UNRWA is a UN body only in name and funds, other than that it is no different than other Palestinian institutions.

For example, the former Hamas Economy Minister served in UNRWA before being appointed to his portfolio. Many Hamas operatives and supporters are employed in UNRWA and the line between UNRWA and Hamas is not clear. For example, In 2001, during an awards ceremony held in an UNRWA facility by a Palestinian NGO, an Agency teacher was reported to have publicly praised suicide bombers; a speech by Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, who at the time was Hamas’ “spiritual” leader, followed. UNRWA personnel abroad know that Hamas members are employed by UNRWA but do not seem to be bothered by it. Former Commissioner General Peter Hansen said in 2004:

“I am sure that there are Hamas members on the UNRWA payroll and I don’t see that as a crime. Hamas, as a political organization, does not mean that every member is a militant and we do not do political vetting”.



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